
Before you dive in checkout these examples, created with Ottifox and then exported to A-Frame.

Ottifox - A-Frame - WebVR Space Example


This scene uses actions that start with the scene and repeat forever. The astronaut model on the left spins while the shuttle appears every few moments. A light object moves along with the shuttle to illuminate the scene.

Ottifox - A-Frame - WebVR UI Example


This scene uses actions to construct a WebVR UI prototype. When the scene starts, the images transition in. When the center image is clicked it scales up and shows more details. Then when you click the visit button you transition into a new surrounding.

Ottifox - A-Frame - WebVR Space Craft Example

Space Craft

Point the fuse cursor at the blue buttons and launch your craft to visit Jupiter. An action connected to the camera object moves you in space when you fuse over the buttons. This a fun one for Google Cardboard.

View Example

Ottifox - A-Frame - WebVR Space Craft Example

City Views

Click the waypoint ballons to see the different views of the city block in this example. On mobile and in VR, point the fuse cursor at the waypoint ballons to navigate. This example uses shadows, lighting actions, and 3D models created in Google Blocks, by Jarlan Perez and Eric Wilson.

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Download the 14 day trial. Available for macOS Sierra 10.12 or higher.