
Text in Ottifox is slightly different than what you’re used to in traditional design apps. That’s because of the nature of fonts in WebVR and in A-Frame (explained below).

Add text from the Text button at the top of the Toolbar.

When selected, you can edit the content and properties of the text, in the inspector.


Change the text contents here.


Fonts in WebVR don’t use the traditional .ttf or .otf file formats. Instead bitmap fonts are used with the extension .fnt and with a .png file representing the glyphs.

Ottifox ships with a small collection of converted fonts from Google Fonts. And with a few Open Source fonts: Gidole—a DIN inspired font for readability, and Interface, a font for high legiblity text on screens.


Alignment for text allows you to set the text, as left aligned, center aligned, and right aligned.

Wrap Count

Wrap count let’s you define after how many characters to “wrap” the text to the next line.


Width determines the size of the text. Typically you want to adjust the Wrap Count and Width to get the desired size of your text.

Letter Spacing

Letter spacing dictates how much space to place between letters/charcters.

Line Height

Line height lets you dictate how much spacing to place between the lines in your text.


The text object uses its own opacity as opposed to the material opacity that most other objects use.

Try Ottifox for free

Download the 14 day trial. Available for macOS Sierra 10.12 or higher.